Lieferabrufe - ipOFTP

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Delivery forecast dataflow
Receiving delivery forceasts and purchase orders
Purchase orders and delivery forecasts can be received in a multitude of file formats. Common formats are ORDERS, DELFOR, DELJIT, VDA4905 and VDA4915. While the VDA formats are quite fixed in terms of content, the EDIFACT formats give the customer a lots of choices regarding format and transmitted data.

In this area ipOFTP handles these tasks for you :

  • Acceptance and decryption of incoming files.
  • Display of file content in readable and printable form.
  • Forwarding to a processing inhouse system.
  • Conversion of incoming delivery forecasts into a standard CSV or inhouse format.
The low-cost solution for receiving and sending VDA and EDIFACT messages via Internet and OFTP.
Your customers expect you to accept delivery forecasts at any time. You must therefore set up your router so that the ipOFTP communication box can be reached from the Internet.

  • Internet access, Odette identification, certificate, subdomain or fixed IP address.
  • Forwarding of subdomain and OFTP port
  • Access to a share from ipOFTP or access to ipOFTP from your system.

The inbound and outbound folders of the ipOFTP communication box are are shared and can be accessed from the local network. Incoming files are stored by ipOFTP in the inbound folder. They can be converted into a customer-independent format.

The extent to which inound processing needs to be automated depends on how many incoming EDI messages you receive per day or week.

If you expect a delivery schedule only once a month, it may be sufficient to open the received file with a browser accessing the ipOFTP communication box and to manually transfer the relevant data of the schedule.

If you receive many delivery schedules, the processing and forwarding to your inhouse system will have to be fully automated. Routine delivery schedules must then be transferred from the customer system to your inhouse system without the involvement of an employee.

is adapted to the needs of suppliers and service providers who exchange VDA or EDIFACT messages with their customers.
Call us or send us an e-mail message.

We will be happy to advise you on all matters related to EDI and OFTP.

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